Our Favourite Tips for Fast, Easy Packing
All travelers agree, it’s fun to take a holiday, but packing --not so much.
Doesn’t everyone wish a suitcase could pack itself? And maybe we’ll progress from self-driving cars to self-packing suitcases in the future. But for now, we have great tips to make packing-it-yourself as easy as possible.
First, if you’re flying and you wear silicone breast forms, know this:
- It’s entirely safe for you to wear your Amoena Contact Comfort+ (which adheres directly to your skin) or any silicone breast form or balancer.
- Tell us if you’re traveling. We can fit you with an Amoena bra, and/or a pocketed Amoena soft-touch sleeveless top to look great and feel comfortable during travel, and throughout your trip.
- Don’t worry if you see small black dots inside your breast form. It’s not uncommon for lightweight silicone breast forms to develop temporary air bubbles in higher elevations where there’s a change in air pressure. These won’t damage your breast form and typically disappear within about two weeks of traveling or climbing.
- Can you take a silicone breast form through airport security?* Yes! You don’t have to reveal or remove your breast form for airport screening, and you shouldn’t be asked to do so!
- You can put silicone breast forms in your carry-on bag. Your breast form is not subject to the rule that applies to liquids and gels because it is deemed medically necessary.
- If additional screening is required of your person or the breast form in your carry-on, you can ask for it to be conducted in a private screening area.
If you wear a compression sleeve, you don’t have to remove it during the screening process, but security may screen the compression sleeve with a hand-held metal detector and a pat down.
Here are your Amoena fitter’s best packing tips:
Lighten your load for a real escape: Wellness experts say we feel more carefree when we travel with fewer clothes and never have to spend time deciding what to wear.
Pack 2 multi-purpose tops: Imagine if you had one top to go perfectly with shorts, with leggings for yoga, with pants for town visit, with a skirt for nights out, and under a cardigan for evenings.
Good news: The brilliant designers at Amoena created the most versatile ever strappy top for you, called the Valletta. Extremely flattering and comfortable, women worldwide never leave home without it.
A little black top is a must: The exquisite Amoena black V-neck sleeveless top--with elegant lace and finished edges--is especially slimming and will take you from window shopping to night out.
Pack 2 bras + 1 sports bra: You need fewer bras when you pack Amoena tops as these have a hidden bra built in for great support. (But you can still wear a bra with it, if desired.) We’ll fit you with two must-have bras for wherever you go, as well as the right sports bra for your activity.
Bonus tip: If you don’t have a carrying case designed for bras, when packing a molded cup bra, place one cup inside the other, and fill the cup with socks, so the cups won’t get crushed.
Pack swimwear to stroll in: Amoena swimwear is exceptionally flattering with unique hidden touches that increase confidence, comfort and security, and provide excellent support. You can wear gorgeous Amoena one-piece or tankini styles with shorts or a wrap for a walk to the ice-cream store with the kid’s in-between swims.
Bonus tip: In navy or black, Amoena’s swim cap is the most attractive one you’ll ever find. Carry it to the beach in your compact pretty Amoena wristlet waterproof bag, which is gifted with every purchase of a swimsuit in July.
Plan on hiking? If you just want to travel with only a carry-on, but need to bring bulky shoes, like hiking shoes, wear them on the plane. And bring foldable flats in your pocket to change into in-flight.
Keep room for a page-turner: It’s your time to step out of life, and into a good book. On Chatelaine’s 2018 list of reads for the beach is When Life Gives You Lululemons by Lauren Weisberger. The author of The Devil Wears Prada tells the story of power editor Miranda Priestley’s other assistant who works as an image consultant to the celebs. Lather on sunscreen, and enjoy.
(*Info provided by the US Transportation Security Administration. You can research airport security regulations online about the countries where you are traveling. If you require a letter from the manufacturer stating medical use of your prosthesis, please request this from your retailer, or write us at infocanada@amoena.com)
All Amoena bras, swimwear, active wear and more are pocketed with built-in support. If you wear breast forms or balancers, every item assures complete discretion and security.